Marina Broadley at
Leicester Private Counselling
Helping women live happier, since 2006

Counselling for Counsellors

I help qualified and student counsellors UK wide. My core training and practice is Contemporary Psychodynamic Counselling. Sessions are in-person if local, or by video call. I use FaceTime or WhatsApp video.

Whilst this page is primarily dedicated to counsellors in training, I also provide counselling to qualified counsellors.

If you’re a counsellor in training you will know that your training to be a professional counsellor is a truly unique study. It’s so unique because it’s about the internal world of human beings, which means it is also about you. That’s a really big deal, I think. We can try to be observers, but it’s impossible because we’re participants - we are in it. A bit like quantum physics…

All churned up

So, the training bodies require their students to undergo a certain amount of personal therapy - counselling. And as we journey on we understand why. The material can churn us up. It touches our sore spots. Our defences don’t work as well. The thing we thought we’d dealt with, we hadn’t. We’d buried it.

The time has come

I work with a limited number of counsellors. It’s a privilege and an honour, quite frankly. And I feel this because you are not only going on to do great and wonderful things, you are also placing your trust in me to help you on this part of your journey.

If you feel drawn to me, please get in touch and we can go from there. Remember, counselling is a healing and empowering process. It really is the ultimate in self-care. Contact me here Or call me 07342 652090

Best wishes,

Marina Broadley MNCPS (Accred)

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